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Supplier Information

Take a look at Orion Farming Group’s extensive list of over 500 suppliers. As an Orion Farming Group member get access to terms and discounts that you would not be able to achieve from outside the Orion Group as an individual approaching a supplier. 


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Sheep Farm

Become an Orion Supplier: an efficient way to grow your business

Our Members spend up to £47 million a year

With over 300 farming members, covering 17 counties and generating up to £47 million of business a year – becoming a nominated supplier of the Orion Farming Group is an efficient way to do business.

What we want to achieve

Orion’s aim is to give our Members access to terms and discounts that they would not be able to achieve from outside the Group or as an individual approaching a supplier. We also expect all our suppliers to give high-quality customer service and an efficient supply of products and services.

‘Orion makes my farming life easier – it could do the same for you’

What we can do for you

We give you the platform from which to communicate with our Members and inform them of the products and services you are able to supply.


‘We’ve been with Orion a long time and I still feel it’s very worthwhile’

Supply with confidence

Orion has built a strong relationship with each of its Members who understand the value of supporting the Group, purchasing from suppliers via the Group and ensuring their payment is accurate and on time.

This in turn allows the Group to build strong commercial relationships with selected suppliers ensuring regular, on time payment and removing any need for the supplier to put in terms with individual customers (300+ in our case).

Orion establish terms of supply with each supplier on behalf of all our Members. Orion takes no levy on the orders, so every benefit the supplier offers our Members is passed straight through to them.

‘Orion’s admin costs are peanuts compared to the savings you make’

Supplier Directory

Members are given access to information regarding your services via our online Supplier Directory. This gives Members the ability to order directly from you under the terms established by the Group or directs them to order through the Orion HQ when necessary.

You deliver directly to the Member and send the invoice to us. We process and collect the payment from each Member. You receive a payment from Orion to complete the process.

‘I wouldn’t be able to get the same price as Orion, let alone a better one’

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